This Is Me

I am a former magazine editor (Seventeen, Marie Claire, More, Cosmopolitan) who spent years looking at clothes and accessories, combing through racks and sorting through trays of beautiful things. I like bold color, varied shapes and the way things feel, and I like to mix it up, style-wise, in unexpected ways. When it comes to talking about fashion, I've pretty much done it across every platform—I've produced articles and blogs, been a television commentator, represented brands, given speeches, written books and Tweeted and Instagrammed my heart out. I've MC'd fashion shows where I literally lifted up my skirt and showed the audience my Spanx. It's been hard work and completely fulfilling, and it also came with some really amazing perks (singing with Gwen Stefani comes to mind). I am an open book, a lover of tequila, a realist who likes to dream. I live in New York City with my husband and two daughters.
Susan Swimmer
Founder/Creative Director